Another major thing that happened on Thursday was getting involved with "Courage for Kirsten." my sorority's national organization posted a note about Kirsten, an ADPi at Georgia Southern who was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma. I don't know why, maybe it is because I'm an Alpha Delta Pi, maybe bc it hit close to home as my cousin had lymphoma, but for some reason kirstens story moved me. I got in touch with Kirsten's sister on Thursday. She is trying tp raise money to help Kirsten pay her medical bills. After talking for a while, I am so excited to be a part in helping her with this cause. I will be working closely with her to try to sell bracelets in support of Kirsten's battle against cancer. The bracelets are lavender (the color for lymphoma awareness) and read "Courage for Kirsten." they are $5 and go to an amazing cause. Let me know if you are interested. Thinking about and praying for you and your family, Kirsten!
Hubby and I spent the labor day weekend camping with his parents, his friend Neil and his gf Lisa. It was a lot of fun and a relaxing time! We also got to stop in and see our friend Desi and her daughter Marley who is two, and her newborn son Zane who was 11 days old! SO precious. We also got to see the long clan, which is always amazing! Love hanging out with them and spending time with those crazy kids :-)
Now it's back to work for the week! Only 4 days, thank goodness! I have little patience today so let's hope it goes by fast lol.
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